
Snowy, Sunny, and Stormy

Sunday, September 5, 2010


A good day for Sun worshippers.  Rait nice outside today.  Missed posting yesterday.  Went to celebrate Jackie's Birthday at Lamonte's last night.  It was quite pleasant.  Forgot to do my meds yesterday until after I had Scallops Diavolo.  This is a mistake.  One I should remember not to make.  However, the memory is a funny thing.  I doubt anyone really knows exactly how it works on an atomic level.  No doubt there are theories with a lot of background info that points to "proof", but until we can get memory in a pill, its all conjecture.
It is time to watch the episode of Family Feud that I dvr'd yesterday.  Aughhhh!! Erased the wrong one!  I need a do-over button.

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