
Snowy, Sunny, and Stormy

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall and Job Interviews

"Meh!"  This sound means "I really don't care." or "It doesn't affect my life."  Today was a day for Meh.  Got another AGP card from Greg.  Didn't work.  Still no video signal from my big PC.  This probably means I got a bad motherboard.  SUCK!!  On the "not-Suck" side, I had a job interview.  Good practice.  Did not get the job, but how weird would that have been.  I am not a SQL DBA and that is what they wanted.  Meh.  It is such a nice day.  I got some more grout de-groutificated from Lane's tub.  That much closer to re-grouting day.  Huzzah!


  1. OH! And a Happy Autumnal Equinox!

  2. There is peace in the valley. The sun is out here and my grout is just fine! So what caused the grout to mold? Hm?
